Alarm - Time Management Systems

tmsSecurity Intrusion Alarm

E a s y   t o   I n s t a l l ,   C o s t – E f f e c t i v e   t o   R u n .

tmsSecurity Intrusion Alarm systems are hybrid systems that are known for their ability to utilize a combination of hardwired and wireless zone components, giving you the best of both worlds and the flexibility needed to overcome building structure challenges. Our wireless Power G connectivity offers the most stable and the longest-range wireless connectivity on the market.

TMS Intrusion Surveillance and Alarm is On Duty Around the Clock:

  • Alerts You to Trouble and Dispatches Law Enforcement
  • Interrupts Crimes in Progress, Minimizing Loss
  • Strobes and Sirens Draw Attention
  • Provides First Arriving Staff the Peace of Knowing That They Are in the Building Alone
  • Staff Can Use Panic Buttons to Summon Help During Business Hours
  • Building Monitoring Such as Flood Detection and Temperature Monitoring of Freezers and Coolers
  • Qualifies You for Insurance Discounts

With the most comprehensive hybrid Intrusion Alarm system available in the market today, tmsSecurity gives you the freedom to arm, disarm, and check status of your system through the app, provides you with the ability to see who armed and disarmed your alarm and precisely when they did so, and offers you alarm monitoring and dispatch services through Rapid Response with 24/7/365 monitoring by live personnel in US based monitoring centers.

Did You Know ?

According to the FBI, in 2023 the US had 5,888,527 reported burglaries (Not counting Vehicle burglaries) and only 7.28% of the stolen property was recovered.

Interested In Seeing More ?

tmsSecurity offers system design, installation, customer training and support. Let our sales team put together a package for you.
