New Dates Added for School Time Tracking Conference - Time Management Systems

New Dates Added for School Time Tracking Conference

Attendees from 12 area schools gathered in Sioux City in June for the first TMS School User Conference. This one-day event grew out of direct requests from school HR departments who wanted to meet with other schools and discuss how to track employee time, improve capacity planning, and manage payroll better. Based on attendees’ positive reviews of the event, we will be offering a repeat session this fall and hope to make this an annual event.

“Schools have so many different types of employees to track and so many different schedules for employees to work,” said Mindy Kroll, sales manager and co-owner of TMS. “They have to fill and track substitutes and bus drivers and allocate funding to the appropriate general ledger code. These unique challenges require advanced software and techniques—but our team makes learning it fun.”

Monica Rilling, sales specialist, and Becky Schroeder, education support specialist, selected topics specifically for school time tracking. They covered:

  • Employee self service and leave management connections
  • Scheduling benefits
  • Making the most of your interface
  • Managing substitutes and bus drivers

Each session included time for questions on specific setups and roundtable discussions. This format encouraged attendees to share their experiences and learn from one another. Attendees also received a booklet with configuration tips, and TMS staff was on hand to help with account and service questions.
